Building Circular Economies with PRIDE Coop

Pyxera Global and PepsiCo Foundation are working with waste collectors in India through PRIDE, a worker-owned cooperative that’s transforming lives and building a new circular economy.

2023 Annual Report: Our Work, Our Progress, Our Promise

This report isn’t just a reflection on what we achieved last year; it’s a call to action for the years to come. So to understand how meaningful, positive, community-led change happens—and how you can be part of it in 2025—explore our annual report here today.

Shifting the Paradigm: Industrial Decarbonization as a Pathway to Regenerative Economies

As the urgency of addressing climate change intensifies, industrial decarbonization has emerged as a critical lever in our efforts to mitigate global warming. For decades, the industrial sector has significantly contributed to greenhouse gas emissions, with 57 companies responsible for 80 percent of total global emissions since 2016. As we stand at the precipice of irreversible climate impacts, the challenge is not just reducing these emissions but fundamentally rethinking how industries operate within our global ecosystems. 

Accelerating the Impact of Mission-Driven Organizations

Global Skills-Based Volunteer happily collaborating on work

Through our Global Pro Bono (GPB) program, we provide mission-driven organizations with an external team of corporate consultants who are dedicated to working on a high-priority project of the organization’s choosing.

Closing the E-Waste Loop

Through this pilot, Pyxera Global and its data modeling and analytics partner, Metabolic, are working with the logistics leader to create an innovative reverse logistics hub. This pilot will inform a blueprint for the industry to determine how logistics companies can use existing infrastructure and new local community relationships to recover old electronics, then process and redistribute them for commercial use at economies of scale.

Reimagining Community Health Systems

Doctor and patient having a telehealth video chat

COVID-19 pushed education, health care, transportation, and society’s patience past their limits. Pyxera Global saw this situation as an opportunity to develop breakthrough solutions for multiple challenges. Working with other corporate and nonprofit leaders, the Reimagine Series’ first challenge addressed the accessibility of telehealth within community health systems.

Rhetoric to Action

A speaker addresses a group of businesspeople

Through the Rhetoric to Action series, we amplify voices from the private, social, and public sectors to address structural racism and social injustice. These conversations assist organizations in understanding their role in dismantling racism and ending injustice by fostering the move from talking to taking measurable and meaningful actions.

Global Pro Bono LEAD

A group of colleagues discuss around a conference table

In the early 2000s, Pyxera Global began partnering with companies to design, facilitate, and measure the impact of Global Pro Bono programs. Today, more than 25 unique GPB programs help share best practices, distribute lessons learned, and to encourage innovation amongst companies across seven business sectors.