Finland’s Road Map to a Circular Economy

A child and an adult look at a globe.

As an independent think-and-do-tank, having seen and assessed emerging solutions since our inception, the impetus for Sitra was to share best practices and inspire organizations to contribute their own solutions and proactively engage in the circular economy.

Tips to Engage Your Employees and Your Communities

Based on Pyxera Global’s 30 years of experience working with mission-driven organizations and through our partnerships with over 30 companies, we have developed best practices for companies seeking to support their employees’ continued community engagement in light of the COVID-19 crisis.

A Guidebook to Communicating with Global Pro Bono Program Stakeholders about COVID-19 Implications

All volunteer programs, from skills-based Global Pro Bono programs to traditional hands on engagements are experiencing significant changes to their plans as a result of COVID-19, with many programs postponed, canceled or shifted from in-person to virtual engagements. Informing program stakeholders—whether they are participating employees, host organizations, or other interested parties—about program changes and the long-term […]

Design for Circular Economy in Fashion

As you grow and change in your life, so do your garments. You update the jeans as your fit or style changes and trade in the broken for an upgrade or repair. This is the future of fashion and design for circular economy.

Philanthropy is Risky Business

Does risk still exist in philanthropy? Street Business School (SBS) and the Schooner Foundation share their journey in which a proven enterprise development program initiated in Kampala, Uganda took a chance and expanded to 13 countries through 75 franchise partners, scaling women’s economic development across Africa.

Driving Change: A Strategic CSR Journey

For more than 35 years, Toyota Financial Services (TFS) has made it its business to help its customers achieve their dreams. Through flexible financing and leasing, comprehensive vehicle and payment protection plans, and well-rounded insurance offerings, TFS has helped make driving and owning a Toyota vehicle possible for so many.

At 3M, Strong Leaders Rise from Heat Experiences

Heat forms, forges, and strengthens that which it does not burn—it’s the ultimate metaphor for an effective form of leadership development. Similarly, manufactured heat experiences that draw employees out of their comfort zone can increase their ability to absorb information, react quickly and decisively, and thrive in increasingly complex global environments.

DRIVES Belarus Success Story: Design Studio

This is part three in a four-part spotlight series on successes in the Delivering Regional Instruction Vital to Entrepreneurial Success (DRIVES) Program, funded by the United States Agency for International Development. The program’s goal is to improve access to high-quality business education for small- and medium-sized enterprises across Belarus. PYXERA Global implements DRIVES in cooperation with international and local partners including the Global Business Schools Network and IPM Business School in Minsk.