Pandemic Update: The Nonprofit Community’s Overlooked Sectors Need Help

As COVID-19 overburdens our systems, challenges education continuance, and drives up unemployment, the importance of social impact organizations in these sectors is thrown into sharp relief. However, in the rush to support these critical services for communities in need, one cannot ignore the vital work that organizations in other social impact sectors continue to drive forward. Environment, gender equality, human rights, sustainable agriculture, and arts organizations, among others, are challenged by COVID-19 as well—but they risk being overlooked amid the urgency to aid a few key sectors.

FAQs on Sustaining Your Social Impact Initiatives through Virtual Pro Bono

On Thursday April 30, 2020, my colleague Gavin Cepelak and I had a conversation with over 100 of our closest ‘friends’ around issues and trends corporations are facing in sustaining their social impact initiatives, and how to do so through virtual pro bono. Also joining us on the webinar was Yezenia Ramos, Senior Manager of Employee Engagement at Johnson & Johnson, who spoke about some of the ways the company is reimagining its social impact programs and ensuring employees remain engaged and involved with volunteer efforts virtually.

Tips to Engage Your Employees and Your Communities

Based on Pyxera Global’s 30 years of experience working with mission-driven organizations and through our partnerships with over 30 companies, we have developed best practices for companies seeking to support their employees’ continued community engagement in light of the COVID-19 crisis.

A Guidebook to Communicating with Global Pro Bono Program Stakeholders about COVID-19 Implications

All volunteer programs, from skills-based Global Pro Bono programs to traditional hands on engagements are experiencing significant changes to their plans as a result of COVID-19, with many programs postponed, canceled or shifted from in-person to virtual engagements. Informing program stakeholders—whether they are participating employees, host organizations, or other interested parties—about program changes and the long-term […]

Adapting to the Spread of COVID-19 through Community-Driven Approaches

Responding to the growing spread of the virus in India, the Joint Initiative for Village Advancement (JIVA), implemented by Pyxera Global in partnership with the John Deere Foundation, is working to strike a balance between the continued support to small holder farming communities and the safety of all program staff and community members.

India Retrospective

Looking Back at Impact This retrospective draws from a long-term impact assessment carried out by Pyxera Global from 2015 to 2016. The assessment was designed to evaluate the impact of Global Pro Bono programs sponsored by 8 different corporations on local host institutions in 15 locations throughout India. By examining these programs and reconnecting with host […]

India Retrospective

This retrospective draws from a long-term impact assessment carried out by Pyxera Global from 2015 to 2016. The assessment was designed to evaluate the impact of Global Pro Bono programs sponsored by 8 different corporations on local host institutions in 15 locations throughout India.