How Technology Unlocks New Value from the Circular Economy

Ten years from now there will be no tolerance for waste in the value chain. Innovative technology can help companies lead the transition to an inclusive, circular economy faster and more efficiently. Many companies, such as Danone, H&M Group, and DS Smith are already leveraging these newer technologies to design waste and pollution out of their value chains while keeping products and materials in use to create positive economic, environmental, and societal impact. The recent COVID-19 crisis has only further exposed companies’ and countries’ risk of supply disruptions, leading to a ‘new normal’ where global supply chains with local execution is needed to boost resilience and reduce dependency by shortening and diversifying supply chains.
Junk ‘n Gyre : Circular Economic Solutions to End Plastic Pollution

How much plastic is in the ocean? Where is it? Is it causing harm? And more importantly, what is the solution? What we found is that every question brought us back to land.
Design for Circular Economy in Fashion

As you grow and change in your life, so do your garments. You update the jeans as your fit or style changes and trade in the broken for an upgrade or repair. This is the future of fashion and design for circular economy.
The Reimagine Series

COVID-19 exposed symptoms of our fracturing systems—and an opportunity to foster change. With the status quo challenged, a flurry of activity revealed a paradigm shift toward a better, equitable future. The Reimagine Series showcases the possibilities when business, government, and civil society work together towards a common goal.